How to make money testing applications? Is there any real way to make money this way? What are the types of apps we can find to earn money testing? Can I make money both on Android and iOS? How do these apps work in practice? In which currency do they pay?

There are many ways to make money on the Internet, and app testing is just one of them. Everyone has realized by now that through digital marketing it is not only possible to make money, it is possible to make a lot of money, without having to make much effort, just from the comfort of your home.
However, the vast majority of people still do not know or do not know how to do this. In general, all you need is access to a smartphone and an Internet connection, and everything else happens naturally and very simply, without having to do a lot of practical work: just a few hours a day is enough.
In today’s content we will teach you one of the ways to work with betas apps, which are still in the testing phase. So if you want to learn how to make money testing applications, we recommend that you follow us to the end of this article for more details. Come on, read with us!
What is a Beta Application?
To learn how to make money testing applications, you first need to understand its concepts. Basically, software for smartphones, be it Android, iOS or any other kind of operating system, goes through a long period of testing once it is ready, to ensure that it is “round” on the official release date.
During this testing period, the app is known as a “[App Name] Beta”. This is the case with WhatsApp Web Beta, which was in testing for months before being released. Beta means in technical terms that the app is still being tested and may change before its final version. But for these tests to take place, especially in the case of apps, it is necessary for people to use it.
How to make money testing applications: How does a Beta app work?
As we saw above, it is a test phase app. So, how to make money with it? By testing, of course. Basically, these development companies pay people – most often in dollars – to use the app and answer daily or weekly questionnaires about the usage of the app in question.
So if you are “lucky” enough to be selected, you will have to provide your personal data for the registration, as well as a bank account, so that when you earn money the amount will be deposited in the account in question.
How to make money testing applications?
Be aware of the sponsored ones
How to make money testing applications, after all? First of all, be aware of advertising campaigns that appear with the label “Sponsored”. This is because some software developers sponsor Ads campaigns explaining about the product that needs to be tested, calling you for a selection process.
Of course, you should do searches like “test apps”, “test paid apps”, etc., so that the interests placed in the ad campaign created are in line with what you search for, otherwise you will never see these ads. However, if you do see them, click and sign up to be called.
Enter the app stores
Finally, the last option to find such apps and make money by testing them, is through your app store. Making money with the app store? Of course. Usually the vast majority of apps in beta testing make it clear on the main page of the software that they are paying to test.
So, again, you have to sign up by filling out a form with personal and contact information. The company will analyze whether you are part of the persona they are looking for, and finally they will send your login to one of the contact methods you have provided. What to do to make money? Start testing.
Some payments occur daily, some weekly, some monthly, and some only at the end of the testing period. In any case, making money testing applications is one of the easiest ways you will find to make money on the web.
It requires no mental or physical effort on your part, no tools of any kind, etc.: just a cell phone in your hands and you’re already making money. So, any questions on how to make money testing applications? Comment below. See you next time!