Pineapple Cake with Coconut


Pineapple and coconut pot cake, a craze among Brazilians for the last few years, marking the menus of sweet shops and bakeries.


This small cake invented by Brazilians became another source of income, being easy to make, store and carry.

In this article we will teach you; how to make; the main flavors; of this venture, shall we go?

For our pineapple and coconut cake in a jar:



  • 57 ml of oil
  • 10 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 egg
  • 75 ml of milk
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 155 grams of sifted wheat flour
  • 2.5 ml vanilla essence
  • 6 grams of baking powder

Pineapple and coconut filling

  • 1 chopped pineapple
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml coconut milk

White brigadeiro filling

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 100 grams of cream
  • 5 ml vanilla essence

How to prepare:

Cake dough

  • Mix the milk and apple cider vinegar in a container. Set aside for 20 seconds. 75 ml milk, 10 ml apple cider vinegar
  • In another bowl, add the egg, oil and milk and vinegar mixture. Beat all ingredients with a whisk. 1 egg, 57 ml of oil
  • Then add sugar and mix well.125 grams of sugar
  • Add the sifted wheat flour to the cake batter. Mix again with a whisk. 155 grams of wheat flour
  • To finish, add the vanilla essence and baking powder. 2.5 ml of vanilla essence, 6 grams of baking powder
  • Transfer the dough to a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Then, place it in the preheated oven at 200º C for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and wait for it to cool down.

Pineapple and coconut filling

  • In a thick-bottomed pan, place the chopped pineapple and butter. Turn on the heat and cook for about 20 minutes. 1 chopped pineapple, 50 grams of butter
  • Once the butter has melted, pour in the sugar and mix well.100 grams of sugar
  • When the syrup reduces, turn off the heat and add the coconut milk. Mix well. 200 ml coconut milk
  • Beat the mixture a little using a mixer.

White brigadeiro filling

  • In a thick-bottomed pan, add the condensed milk and cream. 1 can of condensed milk, 100 grams of cream
  • Turn on the heat and mix well until you reach the spoonful brigadeiro point, that is, when the mixture becomes slightly fluid.
  • Reserve ⅓ of the white brigadeiro in a container and add the vanilla. 5 ml of vanilla essence

Assembling the cake in the pot

  • Cut the cake dough into small pieces. Then crumble it with your hands and set it aside in a bowl.
  • Place a tablespoon of cake batter into the pot. Adjust the dough with a spoon.
  • Then, add a layer of pineapple and coconut filling.
  • Then add another tablespoon of cake batter.
  • Now, add another layer of white brigadeiro filling.
  • Add another tablespoon of cake batter. Adjust the dough with a spoon.
  • Finish with another layer of pineapple filling and decorate with grated coconut.