Creamy coffee


Creamy coffee is a classic recipe that dates back to the 80s, much loved for its comforting flavor and smooth texture. Ideal for cold days and moments of relaxation, this coffee is perfect to be enjoyed with the family while watching a good movie. With just four basic ingredients – instant coffee, refined sugar, water and milk – you can prepare a creamy and delicious drink. Let's detail the preparation process and explore some variations and tips to enhance your experience with this classic recipe.


Ingredients and Their Benefits

  1. Instant Coffee: Instant coffee is the base of this recipe. It provides a deep, intense flavor and is easy to mix, ensuring that the creamy texture is achieved quickly.
  2. Refined sugar: Refined sugar is essential to achieve the desired creamy texture. It helps to whip the ingredients into a mousse-like consistency, as well as sweetening the drink.
  3. Water: Water is used to dissolve the coffee and sugar, creating the liquid base needed to form the cream.
  4. Milk (for serving): Milk adds a smoothness to the final drink. It can be used warm, providing an even more comforting experience.

Detailed Preparation Method

  1. Preparation of Ingredients:
  • Measure 50g of instant coffee, 2 cups of refined sugar and 1 cup of water.
  • Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature to make the beating process easier.
  1. Mixing the Ingredients:
  • In a mixer, add the instant coffee, refined sugar and water.
  • Beat on high speed for about 15 minutes. It is important to beat for this entire time to ensure that the mixture is well aerated and acquires a creamy, light texture.
  1. Storage:
  • Transfer the cream to an airtight container and store in the freezer. Despite being in the freezer, the cream does not freeze completely due to the high sugar content, maintaining a creamy consistency.
  1. Serving Creamy Coffee:
  • To prepare the drink, add 1 dessert spoon of cream to a cup of hot coffee or 2 dessert spoons to a cup of boiling milk.
  • Mix well until the cream is completely incorporated into the hot liquid, forming a creamy and delicious drink.

Variations of Creamy Coffee

  1. Creamy Coffee with Chocolate:
  • Add a spoonful of cocoa powder to the cream before whipping. This will add a hint of chocolate to the drink, making it even more indulgent.
  1. Creamy Coffee with Cinnamon:
  • Sprinkle ground cinnamon over the custard before serving. Cinnamon adds a warm aroma and slightly spicy flavor, perfect for cold days.
  1. Light Version:
  • Use powdered sweetener instead of refined sugar and skim milk to reduce the calories in the drink.

Preparation Tips

  • Equipment: Use a high-powered mixer to ensure the cream reaches the desired consistency. If you don't have a mixer, a hand mixer can also be used, although it may take a little longer.
  • Storage: The cream can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Make sure the jar is tightly sealed to prevent ice crystals from forming.
  • Sweetness Adjustment: If you prefer a less sweet coffee, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe. Experiment with different proportions until you find the balance that suits you best.

Benefits of Coffee

In addition to being a delicious beverage, coffee also has several health benefits when consumed in moderation. It is a rich source of antioxidants, can improve mood and concentration, and even help improve physical performance.


Creamy coffee is a quick and easy recipe that brings comfort and flavor to any time of day. With just a few basic ingredients, you can prepare a drink that is both comforting and delicious. Try the suggested variations and discover new ways to enjoy this classic drink. For more amazing recipes and cooking tips, visit our partner site:

Enjoy your creamy coffee and warm up your cold nights with this delicious and creamy drink!


Creamy coffee

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