Earn real money with Givvy and enjoy creating an extra income every month. But how does it work to make real money with the Givvy app? Is it possible to earn a big income using this app? Is it available for both Android and iOS or only for one of the two main operating systems used worldwide?

Making money on the Internet has become something truly commonplace. Nowadays, millions of people already receive a complementary (or even main) extra income through social networks, money-making apps or by using their computer, working just a few hours a day.
However, many people still have no idea how to make money this way. In reality, it is much simpler than you think. Truly, all that is needed is good internet and a good device in hand, plus of course a lot of desire to make money.
In today’s content we will explain to you in simple steps how we can Earn real money with Givvy chore app. So in case you are looking for some ways to increase your monthly income in a simple way, you have come to the right place. Read on and earn real money with Givvy. Let’s go!
Earn real money with Givvy: What is this app?
Earn real money with Givvy and increase your monthly income: that is the app’s slogan. But what exactly is it? As the name implies, it is software for smartphones, what we know as an app. Its main goal is to make you earn money through daily tasks.
Givvy is an outsourcing app. But how so? Basically, companies pay Givvy to research market information for a specific target audience, and then Givvy distributes part of this money to its users, who are the “guinea pigs” for the tasks performed, if you will.
In summary, therefore, Givvy is one of the main apps we have available to make money today. It is a North American app, which pays in dollars. It is very worthwhile to use it. Read on to find out more!
How does Givvy work?
But how does the application work in practice? Currently, it is possible to earn real money with Givvy in two different ways: the first is by performing small daily tasks, while the second is by testing games within the platform itself. Below we explain how each of these ways works:
Performing tasks
Companies pay Givvy to receive reviews on their own platforms, as well as check-in, reviews on Google My Business, answer questionnaires about products and services, etc. These are all tasks that must be performed within the Givvy app by those who want to earn money.
Generally, you are paid $2 for each task performed, with a maximum of 8 tasks per day. This brings the total to $16 dollars per day. At the end of a month, we are talking about an incredible $480 dollars per month. Isn’t that great?
Earn real money with Givvy: Playing small games
The small games we refer to are software for smartphones and tablets (game applications) that are still in the testing phase, i.e. in their beta versions. To test how well they work, the developers pay Givvy to make it available for their users to test the games.
Game tests can range from $2 to $20, with a maximum of two tests per day. Also, on a day that you have chosen to do chores, you cannot test games. Thus, you may get two $20 games, totaling $40, or just two $2 games, totaling $4.
Operating system on which Givvy works
Unfortunately, earning real money with Givvy is not possible for iPhone and iPad users. The app is not available for the iOS operating system. Today, you can only use the app on smartphones that have the Android operating system. Still have questions about it? Then comment below and we will answer them as soon as possible. Until next time!